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Drought 2020: will it hit again? Weather forecast April and May.

Drought 2020: will it hit again? Weather forecast April and May.

Dürre -- der Alptraum für Kartoffeln

Drought, dry weather, loss of crops? After a wet February, we had a very dry March in Germany, again. Many farmers are anxious these days and fear a new drought coming.

We monitor the weather situation ourselves, but today, we’d like to present three weather expert videos. It seems of importance if three German weather channels on YouTube examine the chances of a drought 2020 in their recent videos:

  1. Kachelmann
    “Dryness is back — little rain coming”, that’s the bottom line from Kachelmannwetter.
    Long term weather models predict a dry April and May, too.  In this video, you can also learn why there can be a drought even if temperatures don’t hit record highs, and the role of the dry east wind.
  2. Wetternet
    “A new drought is there! The danger of forest fire on second-highest warning level!”, that’s the warning from wetternet.
    Drought, dryness, forst fires: Wetternet predicts bad omens for nature and farmers in Germany.
  3. Kai Zorn Wetter
    “A change to low pressure with rains over the land is not foreseeable”, says Kai Zorn Wetter. Their forecast is a bit more cautious and less alarming.

Every farmer needs to decide now, how to estimate this drought risk, and what to do. Here at Wetterheld, demand for drought insurance is definitely rising these days. The soil is very dry in many regions, and precipitation is absolutely necessary during the coming vegetation period, to have sufficient growth for the German wheat and corn.

Our recommendation the moment: if the risk of drought is too high for your farming business, stay on the safe side and get drought insurance now.